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José Luis Tejada Sorzano

José Luis Tejada Sorzano (January 12, 1882-October 4, 1938) was installed by the military as president of Bolivia during the Chaco War. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1914, he was appointed Minister of Finance by President José Gutiérrez Guerra in 1917. In 1931, he became vice-president under Daniel Salamanca, and when the latter was deposed by the military on November 27, 1934, Tejada became president.

As president, Tejada's first responsibility was to bring an end to the disastrous Chaco War. By June 1935, a ceasefire was reached with Paraguay, however, the terms granted most of the Chaco Boreal region to Paraguay, reducing Bolivia's territory considerably. This earned Tejada the disdain of the military and he was removed from office in a coup d'etat led by generals José David Toro and Germán Busch a year later, on May 17, 1936. He died in 1938.