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{| border="1" cellspacing="0" align="right" cellpading="2" |--- !align="center" bgcolor="pink"| Kakarikis |--- !align="center" bgcolor=pink| Scientific classification |--- | {| align="center" | Kingdom: || Animalia |--- |Phylum: || Chordata |--- |Class: || Aves |--- |Order: || Psittaciformes |--- |Family: || Psittacidae |--- |Genus: || Cyanoramphus |--- |Species: || auriceps
|} |--- !align="center" bgcolor=pink| Binomial names |--- |Cyanorpamphus auriceps
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae
|} Kakariki or New Zealand Parakeet refers to either of two species of parakeet in the genus Cyanoramphus, family Psittacidae.

The Kakarikis are the Yellow-Crowned Parakeet Cyanoramphus auriceps and the Red-Crowned Parakeet C. novaezelandiae. Both are native to New Zealand, and have become endangered as a result of habitat destruction following European settlement and nest predation by introduced species of mammal. They have survived on outlying islands, and also through breeding in captivity since they make good pets. A licence from the New Zealand Department of Conservation is now required to breed them in captivity.

The Chatham Island Parakeet is regarded as a subspecies of the Yellow-Crowned Parakeet and classified as Cyanomorphus auriceps forbesi. Some authors, however, treat it as a full species, C. forbesi.

In addition to the Kakarikis, the genus Cyanoramphus includes

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