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Scientific classification

Kelp are large seaweeds, belonging to the brown algae and classified in the order Laminariales. There are about 30 different genera; sometimes members of the order Fucales are also considered kelp. Kelp grows in underwater forests (kelp forests) in clear, shallow, oceans, requiring nutrient rich water below about 20°C. It is known for its high growth rate - the genus Macrocystis grows up to 30 cm per day, to a total length of up to 60 metres.

Table of contents
1 Morphology
2 Prominent species
3 Uses
4 Interactions
5 See also


Kelp grows in the form of long stalks, with leaflike blades at regular intervals. Each blade is supported by a float. For more on its morphology, see seaweeds.

Prominent species


Kelp ash is calcined and rich in iodine and alkali. In great amount, kelp ash can be used in soap and glass production. Alginate, a kelp-derived carbohydrate, is used to thicken products like ice cream, jelly, and toothpaste, as well as in manufactured goods.


Some animals are named after the kelp, because of its terriroty includes where the kelps or, or they use kelp as food.

See also