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Kent Brockman

Kent Brockman (voiced by Harry Shearer) is a fictional character on the TV series The Simpsons. Brockman is a local TV news "personality" for KBBL-TV (Channel 6). He hosts the KBBL nightly news as well as "Smartline", a local current affairs show and "Eye on Springfield" which focuses mostly on Springfield's entertainment news.

On one notable episode, Brockman won the multi-million dollar state lottery jackpot. He must have lost it all at the track, since he was back to work in the next episode.

In a flashback to the 1960s, we see when he started out in television his name was Kenny Brocklestein.

See also : The Simpsons


(Live on air) "I've said it before and I'll say it again; democracy just doesn't work."

(Reading from his script before a show) "Thousands were killed in a tidal wave today in (squints)... Kual.... Kaula Lum... (Crosses it out) France!"

"I know I'm on. I don't care. I don't read the news until I've had my danish."