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KMFDM is a German electronic music band in the industrial music genre. KMFDM was founded in Paris in 1984 by Sascha Konietzko and Udo Sturm. KMFDM has toured and recorded with a number of additional musicians, including Bill Rieflin and Ogre from Skinny Puppy.

Their name is said to stand for Kein Mitleid Für Die Mehrheit or "no pity for the majority". This is sometimes said as Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid, which loosely means "no majority for pity". It has also been suggested that this really stands for "Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode", but the band officially denies this. Their lyrics typically discuss the rejection of and resistance against incompetent rule in capitalist society.

Due to differences between founding member Sascha Konietzko and other band members, KMFDM split up in 1998, with ex-members Guenter Schulz and En Esch forming the band Slick Idiot. The band reformed in 2002 with only Sascha Konietzko remaining from this core group, but with the return of Raymond Watts, an early member of the group and occasional contributor over the years.


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