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Koreeda Hirokazu

Koreeda Hirokazu (是枝裕和, born in 1962 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese film director. His films explore themes of memory, death and coming to terms with loss.

Table of contents
1 Filmography
2 Awards
3 External Links


  1. Daremo Shiranai (2004)
  2. 帰ってきた刑事まつりはくれちゃった刑事 (2003)
  3. Distance (2001)
  4. After Life (1998)
  5. Without Memory (1996)
  6. This World (1996)
  7. Maborosi (1995)
  8. August Without Him (1994)
  9. However (1991)
  10. Lessons From a Calf (1991)


External Links

See also: Cinema of Japan