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Land-grant university

Land Grant universities (a.k.a. Land Grant colleges) are American institutions which have been designated by a state legislature or Congress to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 -- funding by the grant of federally-controlled land to the states. The mission of these institutions, as set forth in the 1862 Act, is to teach agriculture, military tactics, and the mechanic arts as well as classical studies so that members of the working classes can obtain a liberal and practical education.

Land-grant universities are not to be confused with Sea Grant Colleges (a program instituted in 1966) or Space Grant Colleges (instituted in 1988). There are six universities/colleges which actually have all three designations.

Table of contents
1 History
2 Relevant legislation
3 List of Designated Institutions


The universities were initially known as land-grant colleges. Today, only one still has "College" in its official name, namely Southern University and A&M College.

The University of the District of Columbia received land grant status and a US 7.24 million endowment, in lieu of a land grant, in 1967. In a 1972 Special Education Amendment, American Samoa, Guam, Micronesia, Northern Marianas, and the Virgin Islands each received US$ 3 million.

In 1994, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium also received land grant status and 29 additional land grant colleges were created under the Elementary and Secondary Educaton Reauthorization Act. Most of these are two-year technical schools, but three are four-year institutions, and one offers a master's degree.

See also: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges

Relevant legislation

List of Designated Institutions