Leasters (Sheepshead)
Leasters means to "play for the least". You want to collect as FEW points as possible, but you need to take at least one trick to win. If you don't get a trick you don't win in leasters.
Typical leaster winners take a total of 10-20 points. Since you must take at least one trick, it's theoretically possible for one person to take ALL the tricks, and thus win the leaster.
Leaster Strategy
- More often than not, the hand is won by jumping on a low-point trick with a high queen. In other words, you don't want to throw away that Queen of spades or hearts when the big lady is thrown. It might be better to save it so you can pounce on the right trick.
- If you have only the Ace of a fail suit ("bare Ace"), get rid of it as soon as possible. You can easily get 30 points in a single trick if you get caught with that bare Ace.
- Watch how you are schmearing. Sometimes you are better off holding on to that 10 or Ace. You may need it to keep the guy next to you from getting an 8 point trick.
- See also : Sheepshead