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Leucippus was the originator of atomism (in the 5th century), the philosophical belief that everything is composed entirely of various imperishable, indivisible elements called atoms.

There are no existing writings which we can attribute entirely to Leucippus, since his writings seem to have been enfolded into the work of his famous student Democritus (see for more on atomism). In fact, it is virtually impossible to identify any views about which Democritus and Leucippus disagreed.

In Greek mythology, Leucippus, son of Gorgophone and Perieres, was the father of Phoebe and Hilaeira

Castor and Polydeuces abducted and married Phoebe and Hilaeira, the daughters of Leucippus. In return, Idas and Lynceus, nephews of Leucippus (or rival suitors), killed Castor. Polydeuces was granted immortality by Zeus, and further persuaded Zeus to share his gift with Castor.

Ovid VIII, 306.\n