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Lincoln Diaz-Balart

Lincoln Diaz-Balart (born August 13 1954), American politician, has been a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives since 1993, representing the 21st District of Florida. He was born in Havana, Cuba, was educated at American School of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, the New College of Florida, Cambridge University, and Case Western Reserve University. He was a lawyer and a state legislator before entering the House. Since 2000, he has run for re-election without opposition. He is a member of the House Rules Committee and House Select Committee on Homeland Security, and was a sponsor of the Homeland Security Act. Diaz-Balart is married to Cristina Diaz-Balart, and has two children: Lincoln and Daniel. His brother, Mario Diaz-Balart, is also a congressman, representing the 25th district of Florida.

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