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List of Canadian Ministers of Industry, Science and Technology

Canadian Ministers of Industry, Science and Technology

1. Beno�t Bouchard under Mulroney February 23 1990 - April 20 1991
2. Michael Wilson under Mulroney April 21 1991 - June 24 1993
3. Jean Charest under Campbell June 25 1993 - November 3 1993
4. John Manley under Chr�tien November 4 1993 - March 28 1995
Prior to 1990, the responsibilities of the Industry, Science and Technology portfolio were divided between the now-defunct post of Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion (List) and a Minister of State for Science and Technology. In 1995, the portfolio was merged with that of the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs (List) to create the post of Minister of Industry (List).

See other lists of incumbents