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List of Dutch broadcasting organizations

The Netherlands has Dutch television channels for publically-funded television and for commercial broadcasters.

Three channels are shared by public broadcasting organizations representing diverse sectors of the public. The amount of broadcasting time each is assigned is roughly proportional to the number of members they have.

In alphabetical order, the public broadcasting organizations are:

;AVRO (Algemeene Vereeniging Radio Omroep): One of the oldest broadcasters. The aim is secular and for the general public. web

;BNN, (Bart's News Network): Recently founded public broadcaster. Aimed at teenagers and young people in general. Lots of pop culture and sometimes goes for shock value. web

;BOS (Boeddhistische Omroep Stichting): A small Buddhist broadcaster. Doesn't get a lot of airtime. web

;EO (Evangelische Omroep): Protestant Christian Evangelical broadcaster. Has a religious orientation in its broadcasting of a strong evangelical nature. web

;Humanistische Omroep: A small broadcaster dedicated to secular humanism. Doesn't get a lot of airtime. web

;IKON (Interkerkelijke Omroep Nederland): A small broadcaster representing a diverse set of nine christian churches. Does not get a lot of airtime. web

;KRO (Katholieke Radio Omroep): Catholic broadcaster. Has predominantly non-religious programming and tends to be liberal. web

;NCRV (Nederlandse Christelijke Radio Vereniging): The main protestant broadcaster. Has predominantly non-religious programming and tends to be liberal. web

;NIK: (?) web

;NMO (?): Small islamic broadcaster. Does not get a lot of airtime. web

;NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting): Focused on news, parliamentary reporting, sports. Aims to be objective and does the "Journaal", the main (evening) news on the public channels. Coordinates the other public broadcasters. web

;NPS (Nederlandse Programma Stichting): This used to be part of the NOS but split off in 1995. Produces cultural, informative, youth and minority-oriented television. Produces the Dutch version of "Sesame Street".

;OHM: (?)

;RKK: (Rooms-Katholiek Kerkgenootschap). Small catholic broadcaster, actual programming produced by the KRO. Catholic events and services on television are broadcast by the RKK. web

;RVU (?): Small educational broadcaster with a non-secular non-ideological nature.

;TELEAC (?): Larger educational broadcaster. Produces courses on television.

;TROS (?): A general broadcaster with a focus on entertainment. web

;VARA (Vereeniging Arbeiders Radio Amateurs): Large broadcaster with a left-wing labour oriented background. web

;VPRO (Vrijzinnig protestantse radio omroep): Quirky, independently minded broadcaster with a (very) liberal protestant background. Lots of original cultural programming of an intellectual nature. web

;ZK (?):

Since the 90s (exact date?) the Netherlands also allows commercial broadcasters.


