The legend of the Golem, an animated man of clay, mentioned in the Talmud.
A mechanical man powered by steam in Edward S. Ellis' Steam Man of the Prairies (1865)
A mechanical man run by electricity in Luis Senarens' Frank Reade and his Electric Man (1885)
A robot chess-player in Moxon's Master by Ambrose Bierce
The "Professor Jameson" series by Neil R. Jones (early 1930s) featured human and alien minds preserved in robot bodies. Reprinted in five Ace paperbacks in the late 1960s: The Planet of the Double Sun, The Sunless World, Space War, Twin Worlds and Doomsday on Ajiat
Androids, fully organic in nature -- the products of genetic engineering -- and so human-like that they can only be distinguished by psychological tests; some of them don't even know that they're not human. -- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968) by Philip K. Dick
The drones Huey, Duey, and Louie, in Silent Running (1972). Notable as the first movie in which non-anthropomorphic robots were made mobile by manning them with amputees.