Playable characters Aeris Gainsborough Auron Barrett Wallace Bartz Klauser Cecil Harvey Cid Highwind Cid Pollendina Cloud Strife Edge Geraldine Edward Damcyan Faris Sherwiz Firion of Fynn Galuf Baldersion Gareth Gordon Irvine Kinneas Josef of Salamand Kain Highwind Kimahri Ronso Krile Baldersion Laguna Loire Leilia the Pirate Leon of Fynn Locke Cole Lulu of Besaid Marche (from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) Maria of Fynn Mindu Paine Palom of Mysidia Porom of Mysidia Quistis Taepe Red XIII Reina Tycoon Rikku the Al Bhed Rinoa Heartilly Rosa Farrell Rydia of Mist Selphie Tilmitt Squall Leonhart Tellah of Mysidia Terra Branford Tidus of Zanarkand Tifa Lockhart Vincent Valentine Wakka of Besaid Yang Fang Leiden Yuffie Kisaragi Yuna of Bevelle Zell Dincht Non-playable characters Belgemine (from Final Fantasy X) Cid (non-playable in Final Fantasy II, III, V, VI, VIII, IX, X, and Tactics Advance) Desh (from Final Fantasy III for the Famicom) Dr. Kawasaki Dr. Unne (from Final Fantasy I) Elia (from Final Fantasy III for the Famicom) Ellone (from Final Fantasy VIII) Ezel Berbier (from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) Isaaru (from Final Fantasy VIII) Mewt (from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) Mont Blanc (from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) Nooj (from Final Fantasy X-2) Ritz (from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) Summoned Beings Alexander Anima Ashura Bahamut Bomb Chocobo Diablo Doomtrain Eden Ifrit Imp Ixion Leviathan Mist (Dragon) Odin Ramuh Shiva Sylph Titan Tonberry Valefor Yojimbo Major Enemies Garland Bikke Astos Lich Marilith Kraken Tiamat Chaos Borghen Emperor of Palamecia Zande (from Final Fantasy III for the Famicom) Dragon Mist (first boss of Final Fantasy IV) Octomammoth Dr. Lugae Milon (Scarmiglione) Valvalis (Barbariccia) Kainazzo (Cagnazzo) Rubicant (Rubicante) Zeromus Gilgamesh X-Death Kefka Sephiroth Edea Kuja Sin Evrae Yunalesca Yu Yevon Jenova Hojo Rufus Shinra Reno Rude Elena Tseng