List of historical national capitals
In this list are
cities that once were national capitals, but now are not any more. That can be because the country ceased to exist, the capital moved, or the capital was renamed. Sorted on country and date.
See also:
Former capital city | Country, empire | Since | Until | Change, reason
Melbourne/Sydney | Australia | 1901 | 1908 | alternated as capitals until Canberra became ready
St. George | Bermuda (Brit.) | | 1815 | moved to Hamilton
Salvador da Ba�a | Brazil (Portuguese) | | 1763 | moved to Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | | 1960 | moved to Brasilia
Belize City | British Honduras | | 1970 | moved to Belmopan
Kingston | Canada | 1841 | 1843 | moved to Montreal
Montreal | Canada | 1843 | 1849 | moved to Toronto
Toronto | Canada | 1849 | 1859 | moved to Quebec City
Quebec City | Canada | 1859 | 1865 | moved to Ottawa
Chan Santa Cruz | Chan Santa Cruz | c.1852 | 1901 | became part of Mexico
Datong | China (Northern Wei Dynasty) | | 493 | moved to Luoyang
Nanjing | China (Ming Dynasty) | | 15th century | moved to Beijing by Yongle
Anyang | China see: Capital of China
Chongqing City
L�opoldville | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | 1960 | 1966 | renamed Kinshasa
Large-Bassam | C�te d'Ivoire | 1893 | 1900 | moved to Bingerville
Bingerville | C�te d'Ivoire | 1900 | 1933 | moved to Abidjan
Abidjan | C�te d'Ivoire | 1933 | 1983 | moved to Yamoussoukro
Ciudad Trujillo | Dominican Republic | 1930 | 1961 | renamed Santo Domingo after the death of Trujillo
Memphis | Egypt | | |
Winchester | England | 3rd century? | 9th century | moved to London
Lavuka | Fiji (Brit.) | | | moved to Suva
Bonn | Germany | 1949 | 1994 | moved to Berlin
Cape Coast | Gold Coast (Brit.) | | 1877 | moved to Accra
Nafplion | Greece | 1821 | 1836 | moved to Athens
Lahaina | Hawaii (Hawaiian monarchy) | | 1840 | moved to Honolulu
Calcutta | India (British) | | 1912 | moved to New Delhi
Torino | Italy, Kingdom of | 1861 | 1865 | moved to Florence
Florence | Italy, Kingdom of | 1865 | 1871 | moved to Rome
Heijo-kyo (Nara) | Japan (Nara period) | | 784 |
Kyoto | Japan | | 1868 | moved to Tokyo
Alma-Atta | Kazakhstan | 1992 | 1993 | renamed Almaty
Almaty (Alma-Atta) | Kazakhstan | 1993 | 1998 | moved to Astana
Jerusalem | Kingdom of Jerusalem | 1099 | 1187 | moved to Acre (Jerusalem captured by Saladin)
Acre | Kingdom of Jerusalem | 1187 | 1291 | Kingdom ceases to exist
Iaşi | Moldavia | | 1862 | unified with Wallachia to form Romania
Cetinje | Montenegro | | 1946 | moved to Podgorica
Auckland | New Zealand | | 1865 | moved to Wellington
Lagos | Nigeria | | 1991 | moved to Abuja
Bergen | Norway (medieval) | | 1299 | moved to Oslo
Christiana | Norway | | 1924 | renamed Oslo
Karachi | Pakistan | | 1967 | moved to Islamabad
Quezon City | Philippines | 1948 | 1976 | moved to Manila
Kruszwica | Poland | | 9th century | moved to Gniezno
Gniezno | Poland | 9th century | 10th century | moved to Poznan
Poznan | Poland | 10th century | 1038 | moved to Krakow
Krakow | Poland | 1038 | 1079 | moved to Plock
Plock | Poland | 1079 | 1138 | moved to Krakow
Krakow | Poland | 1138 | 1596 | moved to Warsaw
Guimar�es | Portugal, Kingdom of | | 1255 |
Saint Petersburg | Russian empire | | 1914 | renamed Petrograd
Petrograd | Russia | | 1918 | moved to Moscow
Dariyah | Saudi state | | 1818 | moved to Riyadh
Tulaghi | Solomon Islands | | | moved to Honiara
Valladolid | Spain | 1600 | 1606 | moved to Madrid
Columbia, Texas | Republic of Texas | 1836 | 1837 | moved to Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas | Republic of Texas | 1837 | 1839 | moved to Austin, Texas
Austin, Texas | Republic of Texas | 1839 | 1845 | Texas annexed by United States
New York City | United States | 1785 | 1790 | moved to Philadelphia
Philadelphia | United States | 1790 | 1800 | moved to Washington, DC
Bursa | Ottoman empire | 1335 | 1365 | moved to Edirne
Edirne | Ottoman empire | 1365 | 1453 | moved to Constantinople (Istanbul)
Constantinople | Ottoman empire | 1453 | 1923 | country ceased to exist
Port-of-Spain | West Indies Federation | 1958 | 1962 | country ceased to exist
T�rgovişte | Wallachia | | 1698 | moved to Bucharest
C�mpulung | Wallachia | 13th century | 15th century | moved to T�rgovişte
M�rida | Yucat�n | 1840 | 1847 | reunited with Mexico