List of honeybee races
Races of Honeybees (Apis mellifera)
- Apis mellifera mellifera: (German honeybee) Northern Europe, domesticated in modern times, taken to North America in colonial times
- Apis mellifera carnica: (Carniolan honeybee) Southeastern Europe, popular with beekeepers due to its gentleness.
- Apis mellifera ligustica: (Italian honeybee) Italy - the most commonly kept race in North America, South America and southern Europe
- Apis mellifera cypria: (Cyprian honeybee) Near East
- Apis mellifera caucasica: (Caucasian honeybee) Caucasus Mountains
- Apis mellifera lamarckii: (Lamarkian honeybee) Egypt
- Apis mellifera scutellata: (African honeybee) central and west Africa, hybrids of this species in the Americas are called Africanized bees.
- Apis mellifera anatoliaca: (Anatolan honeybee) Turkey
- Apis mellifera capensis: (Cape honeybee) South Africa
- Apis mellifera nubica: (Nubian honeybee) Sudan
- Apis mellifera syriaca: (Syrian honeybee Near East
- Apis mellifera iberica: (Iberian honeybee) Spain, Portugal
- Apis mellifera monticola: High altitudes of east Africa
- Apis mellifera litorca: Low elevations of east Africa
- Apis mellifera sahariensis: Northwest Africa
- Apis mellifera meda: Iraq
This is not an exhaustive list. Additions and information on each race is welcomed