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List of people by name: Ay

List of people by name: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Aa - Ab - Ac - Ad - Ae - Af - Ag - Ah - Ai - Aj - Ak - Al - Am - An - Ao - Ap - Aq - Ar - As - At - Au - Av - Aw - Ax - Ay - Az

Ayala, Paulie?????world boxing champion
Ayanna, Charlotte(born 1976)actress
Ayckbourn, Alan?????modern British playwright
Ayer, Alfred(1910-1989)philosopher
Ayers, Roy?????jazz vibes player.
Aykroyd, Dan(born 1952)Canadian-born comedian
Ayler, Albert(1936-1970)alto, tenor
Ayton, Robert(1570-1638)poet financially supports the Wikimedia Foundation. Displaying this page does not burden Wikipedia hardware resources.
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