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Little Auk

Little Auk
Scientific Classification
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Charadriiformes
Genus: Alle
Species: alle
Binomial name
Alle alle

The Little Auk, or Dovekie, Alle alle, is a small auk. It breeds on islands in the high Arctic. There are two subspecies: A. a. alle breeds in Greenland, Iceland, Novaya Zemlya and Spitzbergen, and A. a. polaris on Franz Jozef Land.

Their breeding habitat is coastal mountainsides, where they have huge colonies. They nest in crevices or beneath large rocks, usually laying just one egg. They move south in winter into northern areas of the north Atlantic. Late autumn storms may carry them south of their normal wintering areas, or into the North Sea.

This is the only Atlantic auk of its size, half the size of Atlantic Puffin. Adult birds are black on the head, neck, back and wings with white underparts. The bill is very short and stubby. They have a small rounded black tail. The lower face and fore neck become white in winter.

The flight is direct, with fast whirring wing beats due to the short wings. These birds forage for food like other auks, by swimming underwater. They mainly eat fish, also some crustaceans and other small invertebrates.

Little Auks produce a variety of twitters and cackling calls at the breeding colonies, but are silent at sea.