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Livets Ord

Livets Ord (aka Word of Life, aka Livets Ord Bible School) is a swedish church. It is widely considered a cult, though much of the cultishness has been tuned down since the founder Ulf Ekman stepped down and instead worked on expanding internationally. Opponents say its members are becoming ill because of it, something that is also suported by studies. Forty-three former students of Livets Ord Bible School were interviewed and almost 50% of them had experienced psychosis-like symptoms, and 25% had attempted suicide. Also common was anxiety, feelings of guilt, and emotional disorders.

Livets Ord Church in Uppsala was founded on May 24, 1983, by Ulf Ekman.

According to it's supporters, Livets Ord became known across the Swedish nation and is spoken of in many countries throughout the world. From the beginning, they say, the distinctive features of the church's worship services have been: its freer format, radical adherence to what the Bible says, much praise and worship, and plenty of space for preaching.

According to it's supporters, Livets Ord's primary goal is to help believers to put into practice what the Bible says. Faith, healing, prayer and answers to prayer together with a conviction that God is good are central themes in the preaching at Livets Ord. The power of attraction of the messages, they say, is that what is preached is appropriate to everyday life.

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