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Lofs�ngur or Song of Praise is the national anthem of Iceland. The words are by Matth�as Jochumsson and the musical score by Sveinbj�rn Sveinbj�rnsson. The original anthem was three verses, but only the first is commonly sung.

Table of contents
1 Icelandic lyrics
2 English translation
3 External links

Icelandic lyrics

�, gu� vors lands! �, lands vors gu�!
V�r lofum �itt heilaga, heilaga nafn!
�r s�lkerfum himnanna hn�ta ��r krans
��nir herskarar, t�manna safn.
Fyrir ��r er einn dagur sem ��sund �r
og ��sund �r dagur, ei meir:
eitt eil�f�ar sm�bl�m me� titrandi t�r,
sem tilbi�ur gu� sinn og deyr.
�slands ��sund �r,
�slands ��sund �r,
eitt eil�f�ar sm�bl�m me� titrandi t�r,
sem tilbi�ur gu� sinn og deyr.

�, gu�, �, gu�! V�r f�llum fram
og f�rnum ��r brennandi, brennandi s�l,
gu� fa�ir, vor drottinn fr� kyni til kyns,
og v�r kv�kum vort helgasta m�l.
V�r kv�kum og ��kkum � ��sund �r,
�v� �� ert vort einasta skj�l.
V�r kv�kum og ��kkum me� titrandi t�r,
�v� �� tilbj�st vort forlagahj�l.
�slands ��sund �r
�slands ��sund �r
voru morgunsins h�mk�ldu, hrynjandi t�r,
sem hitna vi� sk�nandi s�l.

�, gu� vors lands! �, lands vors gu�!
V�r lifum sem blaktandi, blaktandi str�.
V�r deyjum, ef �� ert ei lj�s �a� og l�f,
sem a� lyftir oss duftinu fr�.
�, vert �� hvern morgun vort lj�fasta l�f,
vor lei�togi � daganna �raut
og � kv�ldin vor himneska hv�ld og vor hl�f
og vor hertogi � �j��l�fsins braut.
�slands ��sund �r
�slands ��sund �r
ver�i gr�andi �j��l�f me� �verrandi t�r,
sem �roskast � gu�sr�kis braut.

English translation

(First verse)
Our country's God! Our country's God!
We worship Thy name in its wonder sublime.
The suns of the heavens are set in thy crown
By thy legions, the ages of time!
With Thee is each day as a thousand years
Each thousand of years, but a day.
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.
Iceland's thousand years!
Eternity's flow'r, with its homage of tears,
That reverently passes away.

External links