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Lucius Cornelius Scipio

Lucius Cornelius Scipio was a consul (259 BC) and censor (258 BC) of ancient Rome, notable as a commander in the First Punic War. His father was Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, and a more distant ancestor is recorded as consul in 350 BC.

In 259, he led the Roman fleet in the capture of Aleria and then Corsica, but failed against Olbia in Sardinia. The Fasti Triumphales record that he was awarded a triumph, but two other inscriptions on his career don't mention it.

He later dedicated a temple to the Tempestates, locating it near the Porta Capena.

Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus was a brother of Scipio Africanus Major.

Another Lucius Cornelius Scipio was a son of Scipio Africanus Major. He was captured in 192 BC by Antiochus III but released sometime before the Battle of Magnesia in 190. (The accounts of this episode are confused.) His father's secretary, a Gaius Cicereius, helped him win a praetorship in 174.

See also: Cornelius, Scipio