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Luxembourg euro coins

The euro (EUR or ) is the common currency for most European nations within the European Union, including Luxembourg. The euro coins have two different sides; one common, European side showing the value of the coin and one national side featuring a design chosen by the EU member state where the coin was minted. Each member state has one or more designs unique to that country.

For images of the common side and a detailed description of the coins, see Euro coins.

Luxembourg euro coins feature three different designs, though they all contain the portrait or effigy of Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg. The designs, by Yvette Gastauer-Claire, also contain the 12 stars of the EU, the year of imprint and the name of the country "Lėtzebuerg" in the local language. Luxembourg does not mint its own coins, they are therefore produced in the Netherlands.

Depiction of Luxembourg euro coinage | Obverse side
€ 0.01 € 0.02 € 0.05
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
€ 0.10
€ 0.20
€ 0.50
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
€ 1.00
€ 2.00
€ 2 Coin Edge
The edge lettering features
the number "2" six times
alternated with ** for a
total of 12 stars
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg
Effigy of Grand Duke Henri
of Luxembourg

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