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M107 (projectile)

The M107 155mm projectile is the US Army's standard high-explosive (HE) projectile for howitzers. It is a bursting round with fragmentation and blast effects.

The body consists of a hollow steel shell containing high explosive (TNT or various RDX mixes) painted olive drab. A fuze adapter is screwed into the body and brazed in place. An eyebolt lifting plug is screwed into the fuze well to assist in loading, it is removed and replaced with a fuze for firing. The complete projectile weighs 43.2 lb, is 80 cm long and contains 15.8% explosive by weight. It is a separate-loading projectile - propellant bags are loaded separately.

The M107 was approved for use in 1958 and issued to the army from 1959. Its intendended replacement is the M795, manufacture of which began in 1999.

The M114 can fire a M107 up to 14.5 km using a M4A2 "White Bag" propellant, maximum range is 18.1 km. Modified M107 rounds with base bleed and new aerodynamics can extend this range to around 30 km.

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