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Mass-Observation was a United Kingdom social research organisation founded in 1937. Their work ended over the early 1950s, but was revived by the University of Sussex in 1981.

Mass-Observation aimed to record everyday life in Britain through a panel of around 500 untrained volunteer observers who either maintained diaries, or replied to open-ended questionnaires on a regular basis. They also paid investigators to record people's conversation and behaviour at work, on the street and at various public occasions including public meetings, and sporting and religious events.

The original work ended after criticism from academics that such subjective work lacked validity. Changes in attitudes lead to it's relaunch in 1981.

Table of contents
1 Publications
2 External links
3 See also


A number of publications are also available from the University. The following selection of titles also gives some idea of the scope of Mass-Observation's work:

External links

See also