He contributed to French history by writing Histoire de la guerre de Flandre 1559-1609 (Paris, 1615); Histoire de l'administration du cardinal d'Amboise, grand ministre d'état en France (Paris, 1634), a defence of the cardinal; and Histoire de l'administration de l'abbé Suger (Paris, 1645). Taking an especial interest in the Turks he wrote Inventaire general de l'histoire des Turcs (Paris, 1619); Histoire générale de la religion des Turcs avec la vie de leur prophete Mahomet (Paris, 1626); and Histoire générale des sérail et de la cour du grand Turc (Paris, 1626; English trans. by E Grimeston, London, 1635).
Having heard the narrative of a Jesuit who had returned from China, Baudier wrote Histoire de la cour du roi de Chine (Paris, 1626; English trans. in vol. viii. of the Collection of Voyages and Travels of A and J Churchill (London, 1707-1747). He also wrote Vie du cardinal Xisnénès (Paris, 1635), which was again published with a notice of the author by E Baudier (Paris, 1851), and a curious romance entitled Histoire de l'incomparable administration de Romien, grand ministre d'état de Raymond Berenger, comte de Provence (Paris, 1635).
See J Lelong, Bibliothèque historique de la France (Paris, 1768-1778); L Moréri, Le Grand Dictionnaire historique (Amsterdam, 1740).