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Middle dot

middle dot is one of several types of dots that occur in the middle of a character space, i.e., {| cellpadding=5 border=1 |------------------------------------------------- ! Symbols !! Code !! Note |------------------------------------------------- | · || · or · || middot |------------------------------------------------- | . || . || |------------------------------------------------- | ‧ || ‧ || bullet |------------------------------------------------- | · || ? || It may appear identical to middot in most text editors, but not in some, such as Chinese MS Word, where it has a large space to the right, or in Chinese MSIE 6 browser text editor, where it has a smaller space to the right. |------------------------------------------------- | ・ || ・ || square dot, used in Japanese Romaji |------------------------------------------ |}

The Georgian language uses · (middot) as comma.

In Chinese, partition sign (間隔號 jian1 ge2 hao4) -- . -- is used to separate the given name and the family name of Westerners, or unsinicized or desinicized minority Chinese ethnic peopless, for example, 威廉莎士比亞 (Weilian.Shashibiya) is the transliteration of "William Shakespeare", and the partition sign is inserted in between the characters of "William" and those of "Shakespeare". Because Japanese and Korean names, like Chinese names, have the family name before the given name, they do not need a partition mark.

The Chinese partition sign is also used to separate book title and chapter title when they are mentioned consecutively (with book title first, then chapter).

In Catalan, the punt volat (flying dot) is always used between two l (l·l) and signifies that the sounds of two "l", though consecutive, are in two separate syllabs. The employment of the dot is necessary, since the dotless "ll" represents the one single sound of [λ] in IPA.

In some British publications during the 1950s, the decimal point was commonly typeset as a middle dot.

In mathematics, a small middle dot can be used, as a shorthand alternative to ×, to represent the product, for example x·y for the product of x and y.

See also: punctuation