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Minority Report (movie)

Minority Report is a 2002 science fiction film by Steven Spielberg starring Tom Cruise, Max von Sydow, Samantha Morton, and Colin Farrell, loosely based on the Philip K. Dick short story "Minority Report". It did middling-well at the box office.

Minority Report is a look at a future Washington, D.C where murders are prevented before they happen through the efforts of three "Precogs," semi-autistic individuals who can see the future. The film probes the morality of imprisoning individuals who have not committed any real crime, in an attempt to keep those crimes from happening. It also illustrates the potential abuses of such a system. Along the way, it functions as a typical Hollywood action/adventure film.

Minority Report is one of several movies that have been made from stories written by science fiction author Philip K. Dick. Others include 1982's Blade Runner (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), 1990's Total Recall (We Can Remember It For You Wholesale), and 1995's Screamers ("Second Variety").

See Also: List of movies - List of actors - List of directors - List of documentaries - List of Hollywood movie studios

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