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The Nearctic is one of the eight ecozones dividing the Earth surface (see map).

It essentially recovers the terrestrial ecoregions of North America, including Greenland and the highlands of Mexico. It has distinct fauna from the Neotropic zone, due in part to a narrow land bridge at the Panama Isthmus. Plant life is also quite distinct.

This zone is sometimes grouped with the Palearctic, which shares many groups as the Holarctic.

One bird family, the Wrentit (Timaliinae) is endemic to the Nearctic region. The Holarctic has four endemic groups: Gaviidae, divers, Tetraoninae grouse, Alcidae auks, and Bombycillidae waxwings.

Animals originally unique to the Nearctic include families:

Plants originally unique to the Nearctic include families: ( - this zone is one of 8 on Earth, so it has about 1/8 of Earth's biodiversity - this ought to be an extremely extensive article on ecologies)

External link :

Map of the ecozons


Nearctic | Palearctic | Afrotropic | Indomalaya | Australasia | Neotropic | Oceania | Antarctica

Neartic biomes

Tropical and Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forests | Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests | Temperate Coniferous Forests | Boreal Forests/Taiga | Tropical and Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas, and Shrublands | Temperate Grasslands, Savannas, and Shrublands | Tundra | Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands, and Shrub | Deserts and Xeric Shrublands | Mangrove