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New chronology

The New Chronology of A.T. Fomenko is an attempt to rewrite world chronology, based on his conclusion that world chronology as we know it today is flawed, put together by unscientific methods. In his revision, Fomenko shares the belief of Heribert Illig that Otto III advanced the current year of the era Anno Domini by some three centuries so that his reign would include the millennialist year 1000. In doing this, Otto had the help of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII and Pope Sylvester II to falsify the dates of records, and their scribes not only rewrote history but fabricated biographies for individuals such as Charlemagne and Harun al-Rashid.

Fomenko is an accomplished professional mathematician; this is seen as qualfication enough for him to rewrite all of world history as he sees fit, even though his grasp of history is undergraduate-level, at best.
