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NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephony) is a mobile phone system that was created in 1981 as the first commercially operated public mobile phone network. It is based on an analog technology and two variants exist: NMT 450 and NMT 900. The numbers indicate the frequency bands uses. NMT 900 was introduced in 1986 because it carries more channels than the previous NMT 450 network.

The NMT network has mainly been used in Scandinavia but also in the Middle East and in Asia. The introduction of digital mobile networks such as GSM has reduced the popularity of NMT somewhat and some of the Nordic phone companies are considering suspending it. The NMT network however has one big advantage over GSM which is the range; this advantage is valuable in big but sparsely populated countries such as Iceland. In Iceland, the GSM network reaches 98% of the country's population but only a small proportion of its land area. The NMT system however reaches most of the country and a lot of the surrounding waters, thus the network is popular with those traveling in the mountains and fishermen.