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A construct that hides whatever inside it from prescient\\oracular vision in the Dune series of science fiction novels by Frank Herbert.

The first no-chamber was constructed at Ix. Inside this chamber Hwi Noree was grown by the Ixians in conjunction with the Bene Tleilaxu. The development of the chamber itself was a combination of efforts on other devices such as a device that records the thoughts of Leto II into a written journal, a device that hides the journals from prescient vision, and a navigation machine that could replace a Spacing Guild Navigator.

It could be argued that the first no-chamber was Dar-Es-Balat, where the journals of the God Emperor of Dune were hidden.

The concept of the no-chamber is very simple; an oracle cannot predict the actions of another oracle. In Dune Messiah a Spacing Guild Navigator was used to hide conspirators from the visions of Paul Atreides. A no-chamber then emulates a human oracle. A no-chamber then has some of the abilities of Guild Navigators, and the same technologies were used to construct no-ships; a no-ship could also function as a no-chamber.

Why an oracle cannot predict or 'see' another oracle can be explained in the following way: It is argued that if all things have a cause and an effect, then at the very beginning of all things there is a stable element from which everything is derived. The nature of an oracle works in a similar fashion; an oracle could see to an extent the causes and effects at work in the current universe. It does this by taking existing grains of data of the universe, and construct a future-present-past from the bits of universe that are avaliable to them. Since oracles can see\\construct causes and effects, they can manipulate or avoid the ones that are viewable to them. In this sense oracles are free from the cause and effect universe (also see Matrix), and because they are free they can act independently creating any extent of the future they like or are able to. They are very much like the stable base mentioned above. Naturally since an oracle uses the predictability of the cause and effect time system, they are not able to predict other oracles whom like themselves are free from cause and effect.

It should be noted that since an oracle can only see and manipulate an extent of the future-past-present, they are able to be predicted by a craftier, a higher caliber, or a creative oracle. This was demonstrated in the last parts of the God Emperor of Dune when Leto examined everything that he was not able to predict by prescient vision, pieced it together, and he was able to see what he was not able to by prescient vision. This being said, a no-chamber is not completely foolproof.