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Orange Alternative

Orange Alternative (PomaraƄczowa Alternatywa) is a name for underground anarchic movement which was started and led by Waldemar Frydrych, known then as Major (Commander of the Festung Breslau), in Wroclaw in 1983. It organised happenings, painted absurd graffiti on walls and was one of most picturesque element of Polish opposition against communism. They for example organised actions which demanded freedom for St. Claus, painted big, orange smiling dwarfs on buildings etc. In 1989 it suspended its activity, but was reactivated in 2001, when they organise action vote for dwarfs: only dwarfs can save the country!.

Some utterances ascribed to Waldemar Frydrych:

In Poland there are only three places when you can feel free: In churches, but only for the meditations, in prisons, but not everyone can go to prison, and on the streets: they are the most free ones

The Western World will find out much more about situation in Poland from hearing that I was put to jail for giving tampons to woman, than from reading the books and articles written by other people from opposition.

Can you seriously treat policemen officer, when he is asking you question: "Why did you participate in an illegal meeting of dwarfs?