The province of Oulu was first introduced in 1775. After the Treaty of Fredrikshamn parts of Lapland were added to the province and in 1922 Petsamo was added to the province. Finally in 1936 Lapland was separated into its own province.
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The State Provincial Office is a joint regional authority of seven different ministries. It promotes national and regional objectives of the State central administration.
The province of Oulu contains the Northern Ostrobothnia (Pohjois-Pohjanmaa/ Norra Österbotten) and the Kainuu (Kainuu/ Kajanaland).
The province has 51 municipalities including the city of Oulu.Historical Province
For History, Geography and Culture see: OstrobothniaAdministration
Main article: State Provincial Office of OuluRegions
Main article: Regions of FinlandMunicipalities
Main article: Municipalities of Oulu