Pentecost is a holiday of Christianity. Pentacost is seven weeks after Easter (or 50 days after Pascha). It is also just 10 days after the Ascension. It comes from the Greek word Pent�kost�, meaning "fiftieth", and originally referring to Shavuot (the second day of Passover, on the 16th of Nisan, is the first day of counting the Omer; Shavuot is celebrated after seven full weeks, on the fiftieth day). It is also known as Whitsun (Whitsunday), because of the white robes worn this day by those newly baptized.
Christian churches that emphasize the Holy Spirit celebrate Pentecost as the anniversary of the disciples' being filled with the Spirit, as described in the New Testament in Acts chapter 2. Most Christians recognize this event as the birth of the Church.
The Hebrew festival was originally connected with celebrating the first fruits of the spring harvest, but the Christian festival lost most of its associations to the newer theological meaning.
Eastern Christianity
See also : Wave offerings