For the Gregorian calendar, a perpetual calendar often consists of 14 one-year calendars, plus a table to show which one-year calendar is to be used for any given year. Note that such a perpetual calendar fails to indicate the dates of moveable feasts such as Easter.
The International Fixed Calendar League, with offices in London and in Rochester, New York, ceased activities in the 1930s. In recent years there have been attempts to revive the plan.
The International Perpetual calendar is based on the Positivist Calendar published in 1849 by French philosopher Auguste Comte (1798-1857). Compte based his calendar on Polynesian calendars. The main difference between the International Perpetual calendar and the Positivist calendar is the names Compte gave to months and days. The months in the Positivist calendar were, in order: Moses, Homer, Aristotle, Archimedes, Caesar, St. Paul, Charlemagne, Dante, Gutenburg, Shakespeare, Descartes, Frederick II and Bichat. Every day of the year was likewise named.
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