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Prabhupada A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Prabhupada A.C. Bhaktivedanta (1896 - November 14, 1977) is a figure of Vedantic history. Prior to taking Hindu Vanaprastha vows in 1950, he was a succesful husband, father, businessman and industrialist. In July 1966, he founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in New York City. By the time of his death 11 years later, ISKCON was a widely known expression of Hinduism in the West.

Upon first meeting with his spiritual master, Srila Bhakitisiddhanta Sarsvati Thakura, in 1922 it was requested that Prahhupada spread Vedic knowledge throughout the English language. In 1933 he became a formally initiated disciple. Starting in 1944 and without assistance he started Back to the Godhead, an English language fortnightly for which he acted as publisher, editor and copy editor. In 1947 the Gaudiya Vaisnava Society recognised Prabhupada's scholarship with the Honourific Bhaktivedanta (Trans: Devoted Lover of Vedanta. See Bhakti and Vedanta). Beginning in 1950 he lived at the medieval Temple of Radha-Damodara in the holy city of Vrndavana. After taking sannyasa vows in 1959 and publishing his 30 volume translation of and commentary on the 18,000 verse Srimad-Bhagavatam, he left India to fulfill his master's spiritual mission. Arriving virtually penniless by freighter in New York, he was first helped and made his first converts amongst the Hippies who were openly searching for "Truth".

In the 12 years from his arrival in New York until his death on he:

Prabhupada followed the teachings of Qutub Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and introduced bhakti yoga to a wide Western audience.