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Prediction of future events is an ancient human wish. An apocryphal saying states: "it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future".

However, the desire to make predictions remains as strong as ever, and is an important part of almost every aspect of human life.

This is a stub for a planned article about prediction.

Table of contents
1 The place of prediction in the Scientific Method
2 Future Topics:
3 Related topics:

The place of prediction in the Scientific Method

In the scientific method,

An example of Prediction, by Semmelweis:

In the
1840s the renowned Austro-Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis noticed that

The Observation

Women giving birth in the Vienna Lying-in Hospital were dying in one building, but surviving in another.

His Hypothetical Explanation of this Observation

He was forced to consider 'why?'.
Thus the hypothesis,
After more thought, Semmelweis decided that

His Predicted Consequence, from the Hypothesis

"If the doctors were to 'wash their hands', then the cadaver factor will be avoided"

A Test of his Prediction

Semmelweis instructed the student doctors to 'wash their hands', and the women who were attended by the doctors survived.

A Review of the whole process

Semmelweis, 1861. The Etiology, Understanding, and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever.

What did he know, and when did he know it?

In this prediction, Semmelweis did not know what the outcome would be. No one knew. In fact, the physicians were offended and outraged that their sacred profession could have been implicated.

Thus the element of surprise in a scientific result is essential, because the risk in the prediction is unavoidable. Before the process, Semmelweis did not know the answer. After the process, we all can know. This suggests that our sought-for certainty is a myth, at least in a scientific procedure.

Today, of course, hygiene in a hospital is routine, now that the phenomenon of infection is understood. But infection was not understood when Semelweis made his pioneering investigation. Now we can afford the luxury of confidence in the work of Semmelweis, even if we cannot afford a myth of certainty.

Future Topics:

Related topics: