List BASIC (BASICs are innocent of most modularity in (especially) versions prior to about 1990) C C++ (C with objects + much else) C# (from Microsoft, essentially an attempt at an improved C) CFM COBOL Component Pascal (an Oberon-2 variant) Delphi ECMAScript (JavaScript) FORTRAN (better modularity in later Standards) Java Modula-2 (fundamentally based on modules) Oberon (improved, smaller, faster, safer follow-on for Modula-2) M (more modular in its first release than a language of the time should have been; the standard has become still more modular since then) Pascal (successor to Algol60 and predecessor of Modula-2) Perl PL/C PL/1 (large general purpose language, originally for IBM mainframes) Rapira VBScript Visual Basic This article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by fixing it.