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Przemysl I of Poland

Przemysł I (born 1220/21, died 1257), was a duke of Greater Poland (provinces of Poznan, Kalisz, Gniezno)

He was born to Ladislaus Odonic Plwacz, duke of Greater Poland, and Jadwiga of Pomerania, daughter of Mestwin II, duke of Eastern Pomerania.

Born: 1220 or 1221
Realm of power:
1239-1247 Duke of Greater Poland, together with his brother Boleslaus the Pious
1247-1249 Duke of Poznan and Gniezno
1249-1250 Duke of Poznan and Kalisz
1250-1253 Duke of Greater Poland (Poznan, Gniezno and Kalisz)
1253-1257 Duke of Poznan
Died 4 June 1257

Maried to Elisabeth of Silesia, daughter of Henry II the Pious, duke of Silesia;
Childeren: Przemysl II

See also