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Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Rabbi (or Rebbe) Nachman of Breslov (1772 - 1810) was the great-grandson of Rebbe Israel, the founder of Hasidic Judaism. Nachman developed a following during his lifetime that has continued in the two centuries since his death: his followers today are known as "Breslovers", and the movement itself is called Breslov.

Nachman was born in Medzeboz, Ukraine, and in his short life achieved much acclaim as a teacher and Torah scholar. For most of the last 8 years of his life, he lived in Breslov, Ukraine, continuing his work as a rabbi and Kabbalist and teaching his growing band of followers. Upon his death in Uman, Ukraine, his followers chose not to select a new teacher, but rather to follow Nachman's teachings (they began calling him "the Rebbe"). To this day, it would be accurate to say that Breslovers see Nachman as their spiritual leader.

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