The chief advantage of a ram accelerator over a conventional gun is its scalability. In a normal gun, maximum pressure is exerted at the time of the initial charge detonation. The gun must be capable of withstanding the pressure of all of the gas from the reaction, compressed into a small location. As the projectile moves further down the barrel, the amount of acceleration upon the projectile decreases, eventually reaching amounts trivial enough that a longer barrel is no longer justified.
With a ram accelerator, the explosion is at all times maintained directly behind the projectile. This leads to constant pressure being put both on the gun and the projectile itself. Consequently, far larger barrels are possible, while still delivering a strong constant acceleration to the projectile.
Ram accelerators have been proposed as a cheap method to get payloads into space. Due to wind resistance, the projectile still may need to utilize embedded rockets, such as those designed in Project HARP, to achieve orbit. Its main competitors are rail guns and coil guns.