Robert Heinlein on metaphysics
Robert A. Heinlein, in his book
To Sail Beyond the Sunset has the main character, Maureen, state that the purpose of
metaphysics is to ask questions: Why are we here? Where are we going after we die? (and so on), and that you are
not allowed to answer the questions. Asking the questions is the point for metaphysics but answering them is not
because once you answer them you cross the line into
religion. He doesn't really say why but the answer as to 'why' is
obvious: because any answer is an opinion. It may be a good opinion, or a bad one, but it's only what the person who
wrote the opinion believes. Such opinions cannot be validated, e.g., you can't ask the person to show you what it's like
after death or provide for a personal audience with to their
God or gods.