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robotfindskitten (not capitalized) is described as a "Zen simulation". It is a free computer game with an ASCII interface in which the user (a robot, represented by a pound sign "#") must find kitten (which is a random character) on a field of other random characters. Walking up to items allows the robot to identify them as either the kitten, or any of a variety of whimsical, strange or simply random items. It is not possible to lose.

The original robotfindskitten program was the sole enterant to a contest in 1997 to create a depiction of "robotsfindkitten". When the author rewrote the program for Linux in 1999 it gained popularity and now has its own website and mailing lists. Since then, it has been ported to a large number of platformss, including MS-DOS, the Sega Dreamcast and PalmOS.

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