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Rodrigues giant day gecko

Rodrigues giant day gecko
Scientific classification
Family: Gekkonidae
Subfamily: Gekkoninae
Genus: Phelsuma
Species: gigas
Binomial name
Phelsuma gigas

Table of contents
1 Scientific name:
2 Scientific synonyms:
3 Common name:
4 General introduction:
5 Description:
6 Distribution:
7 Habitat:
8 Diet:
9 References:

Scientific name:

Phelsuma gigas (LI�NARD 1842)

Scientific synonyms:

Gecko gigas LI�NARD 1842
Gecko newtoni Hoffstetter, 1946
Phelsuma gigas Vinson & Vinson, 1969

Common name:

Rodrigues giant day gecko

General introduction:

This diurnal gecko is now extinct. It lived on Rodrigues and surrounding islands. It typically dwelled on trees. The Rodrigues giant day gecko fed on insects and nectar.


This Phelsuma was to the largest known day gecko. It reached a total length of about 40 cm. The body colour was grayish or grayish brown. On the back there were irregular black spottings. The tail had some striping and was charcoal- or dark gray-coloured. The tongue had a pink colour and the ventral side was light yellow. The original collected specimens which were used to describe this species, have been lost. Today, only a few portions of some skeletons remain.


This species inhabited Rodrigues and surrounding islands. P. gigas was last collected in 1842 on the offshore islet of Ile aux Fregates.


P. gigas lived in forests on trees. Their original habitat was largely destroyed by humans and as a result of introduction of rats and cats.


These day geckos fed on various insects and other invertebrates. They also liked to lick soft, sweet fruit, pollen and nectar.
