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In mathematics, RSA-160 is one of the RSA numbers, large semiprimes that are part of the RSA Factoring Challenge. It was factored on April 1 2003 by a team from the German Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI, "Federal bureau for security in information technology").

The factorization of RSA-160 is as follows:

RSA-160 = 21527411027188897018960152013128254292577735888456759801704976767781331452188591

RSA-160 = 45427892858481394071686190649738831656137145778469793250959984709250004157335359 * 47388090603832016196633832303788951973268922921040957944741354648812028493909367

The factorisation was found using the General Number Field Sieve algorithm.

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