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Ryoju Kikuchi

The factual accuracy of this article is disputed. Please see the article's talk page or Khranus ban for more information. Ryoju Kikuchi (aka Tamo Samma, Tamo-San) (190?-2001) was a Buddhist Priestess and great philosopher. She stated that one of the greatest follies of human thought is the assumption that humans are somehow 'above' or separate from the rest of Nature. She said that if this folly were not overcome, we could do nothing to prevent our imminent destruction as a species.

Philosophical Quotes

"In the old days, evil things spead rapidly, but now good things spread rapidly. If you understand...everything begins to appear wonderful and beautiful, and it naturally makes people stop wasting or stop desiring unnecessary things. This awakening is contagious and it will be transmitted to everybody soon."

- Ryoju Kikuchi

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