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Satyendra Nath Bose

Satyendra Nath Bose (January 1, 1894 - February 4, 1974) was an Indian physicist specializing in mathematical physics.

His short article introducing quantum statistics of photons, which he wrote being still M.Sc. and working at Dhaka University, drew attention of Albert Einstein. Einstein adopted the idea, extended on atoms and predicted the existence of phenomena called later as Bose-Einstein condensate. Bose-Einstein statistics and bosons are called after Bose as well.

Apart from physics he did some research in biochemistry and literature (Bengali, English). He made deep studies in chemistry, geology, zoology, anthropology, engineering and other sciences. Being Bengali of origin he devoted a lot of time to promote Bengali as teaching language and to develop the region as well.

During his travel to Europe in 1924 he worked with Marie Curie. He was also coworker of Albert Einstein.

He is considered as one of the most intelligent, broad-minded scientists of the 20th century.
