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This is an article from the public domain Easton's Bible Dictionary, originally published in 1897.\nThis article is written from a nineteenth century Christian viewpoint, and may not reflect modern opinions or recent discoveries in Biblical scholarship.\nPlease help the Wikipedia by bringing this article up to date. Sceva - an implement, a Jew, chief of the priests at Ephesus (Acts\n19:13-16); i.e., the head of one of the twenty-four courses of\nthe house of Levi. He had seven sons, who "took upon them to\ncall over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord\nJesus," in imitation of Paul. They tried their method of\nexorcism on a fierce demoniac, and failed. His answer to them\nwas to this effect (19:15): "The Jesus whom you invoke is One\nwhose authority I acknowledge; and the Paul whom you name I\nrecognize to be a servant or messenger of God; but what sort of\nmen are ye who have been empowered to act as you do by neither?"\n(Lindsay on the Acts of the Apostles.) From Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897)