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Series and parallel circuits

Left: Series  | Right: Parallel
Arrows indicate direction of current flow.
The red bars represent the voltage.

In electrical circuits series and parallel are two basic ways of wiring components. As a demonstration, consider a very simple circuit consisting of two lightbulbs and one 9V battery. If a wire joins the battery to one bulb, to the next bulb, then back to the battery, in one continuous loop, the bulbs are said to be in series. If, on the other hand, each bulb is wired separately to the battery in two loops, the bulbs are said to be in parallel.

The measurable quantities used here are R, resistance, measured in ohms (Ω), I, current, measured in amperes (coulomb per second), and V, voltage (joule per columb), measured in volts.

Series Circuits

The same current has to pass through all the components in the loop. An ammeter placed anywhere in the circuit would measure the same amount. Rtotal = R1 + R2

for two components in series, having resistance R1 and R2 respectively. For more than two components, add in their respective resistances.

I = V/Rtotal

Where I is the current, as calculated above.

Note, that the components divide the voltage according to their resistances, so V1/V2 = R1/R2

Inductors follow the same law, in that the total inductance of inductors in series is equal to the sum of their individual inductances:

Capacitors follow a different law. The total capacitance of capacitors in series is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of their individual capacitances:

Parallel Circuits

voltage is the same across all the components in the loop.

Itotal = V/(R1 + R2 + ...)

1 / Rtotal = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2

for two components in parallel, having resistance R1 and R2 respectively. For more than two components, add in their respective reciprocals of resistances, and take the reciprocal.

The above rule can be calculated by using Ohm's law for the whole circuit
Rtotal =V/Itotal
and substituting for Itotal

Ii = V/Ri

Note, that the components divide the current according to their reciprocal resistances, so I1/I2 = R2/R1

Inductors follow the same law, in that the total inductance of inductors in parallel is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of their individual inductances:

Capacitors follow a different law. The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is equal to the sum of their individual capacitances: