After a faked execution, the protagonist, ex-cop Remo Williams, is recruited by a secret organization, C.U.R.E. of the US for missions that include saving the world, senators, destroying dangerous cults, criminal organizations, etc., at the same time he receives advanced martial arts training from the master of Sinanju, and all-in-one hired assasin, zen master, super martial artist, nutritionist, soap opera fan and linguist Chiun. At the same Remo is believed to be the incarnate of Siva the destroyer whose mission is to destroy evil.
Chiun comes from a long line of hired assasins since the time of the pharaohs. The Sinanju training enables one to hold one's breath over an hour, rip steel doors from their hinges, climb walls, dodge bullets, overturn a moving tank, outrun a car, seem invisible, overcome multiple opponents, etc..
Some of the famous Chiun teachings are